I feel like its after week two that people start slaking on their new years resolutions and reverting back to their old habits. With that being said I thought I would share with you my new years resolutions, as well as how they are going so far. I’ll admit it, I am a sucker for new years resolutions. Some people don’t believe in them because “you should always try to be the best version of yourself, blah blah blah…..” Hey, if I have an excuse to make a conscience decision to better myself, then I am going to take it.
Last year my new years resolution was to take better care of my teeth and guess what? It worked! I got all my cavities filled (all 11, yikes!). Yeah I know, 11 cavities is A LOT, but my parents never took me to the dentist as a child and I did not grow up flossing either. I am also proud to say that I did not miss a single day of brushing and flossing in 2018, wohoo!
They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, and that it is exactly why I like new years resolutions. It is a chance to form a new healthy habit. This year one of my resolutions is to make my bed every morning and spend 5 minutes every night before bed tidying up my room. Is it just me or is going to bed in a clean room just so much more calming? So far I have been good about this one so hopefully after eight more days it becomes a habit!
Not all resolutions have to be about forming habits, or losing weight, or quitting a bad habit, it is just as important to set goals to do more things that make you happy. I love hiking and getting outdoors in this beautiful state of mine and this year I want to hike four 14ers. Although at this time of year I cannot go out and hike a 14er, by setting up this goal early on I can start planning mountain adventures now!
Now that I am a college grad, and no longer have to study every single night of my life, I can finally start reading some of the books that have been collecting dust on my bookshelf. Which brings me to my last New Years resolution, to read two books a month. Right now I am three quarters of the way finished with Girl Wash Your Face and I am loving it! I am also planning to read books that expand on my education in biology and prepare me for nursing school, because being a life-long learner is something I strongly believe in.
What are your New Years Resolutions? How do you hold yourself accountable for achieving them?
P.S. please leave book recommendations in the comments 🙂
P.S.S. This dress is sold out in most sizes but I hear it’s coming out in black and navy. Stay tuned and I will link it when additional colors arrive!