Our Love Story and a Date Night Look

Last month Josh and I celebrated our five year anniversary, FIVE YEARS! I can hardly believe it myself. It feels like just yesterday that we were flirting in stats class senior year of high school. It got me thinking that most of you probably do not know our love story.  So, here it is!

Josh and I actually first met in 7th grade. We were both in the same math class, with the dreaded Mrs. Doro. Although I do not specifically remember any memories from back in middle school with Josh, I do have a yearbook signing that proves it was meant to be, even back then. I wrote in his yearbook, “thank you for sharing your pretzels with me in math class, ILY.” I said I LOVE YOU to him in 7th grade!!! Sure it was probably what I wrote in everyones yearbook back then, but I am taking it as a sign that it was meant to be since the age of 13.

Fast forward 5 years and there we were sitting in another math class together, bonding over, you guessed it, food (I don’t know what it was about math classes, or awful math teachers, or food, but they were all a common thread through out our adolescent relationship). I would leave stats class for large chunks of time, go to subway, buy like 10 cookies, and come back to class with them all stuffed in the pocket of my hoodie. Needless to say my teacher did not like me very much. After a while of this daily routine Josh took notice and one day he too disappeared during class for a prolonged amount of time. He came back with pizza sticks about 20 minutes later and offered me one. After that we were snack buddies!

This snack sharing went on for quite a while, and we became quite good friends. Then, one day I asked him if he would like to go to a Rockies game with me. I knew he was a baseball player and I really wanted to go to a game, but had no one to go with who was interested in baseball. I made it very clear to him that I was going to pay for my own ticket, because it was not a date. Nonetheless he ended up paying for me anyway.

After that day we ended up hanging out more and more. He asked me to be his girlfriend three times, and I denied him, three times. I in no way shape or form wanted a boyfriend because we were both going off to college in a few months, in different states. He asked me a fourth time, and I finally said yes and the rest is history! Life does not always work out how you plan, in fact, sometimes it is even better.



Fast forward another 5 years and here we are, just having celebrated our 5th anniversary and there is no one else I could imagine having spent the lest five years of my life with. Today there are common themes that still play out. We both still bond over food. We celebrated our anniversary by going to one of my favorite places in the world, the Broadmoor, for dinner.  Josh now works for the Rockies and that is where we had our first “date”. Although we no longer have awful math teachers, I am currently taking biostatistics at CU Denver, and we first started talking in a stats class. In the last five years lots of things have changed, but some things are just the same.










For our anniversary date night, I wore this J. Crew Merceatile dress paired with maroon loafers and a straw basket purse. If you are looking for a date night, wedding, or party dress this one is on sale for under $30 and looks so classic.




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Omg what an adorable love story! Happy 5 year anniversary, you two. It was truly meant to be. 🙂 It’s funny because your love story reminds me a bit of mine and my boyfriend!


Awe thank you! You should do a post about your bf so I can hear it 😊

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